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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

    Default Just an opinion.

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    I believe a lot of Bin Laden's support comes from within Saudi Arabia. Talked with an old Guadacanal vet once. He had worked extensively in Saudi Arabia. He was not a lineman or connected with linework. Later I thought he might have been connected to the CIA maybe.

    Anyway he personally knew a lot of the Saudi family and also some of the Bin Laden group. He said what the average person doesn't know is that probably the Saudi govt. may get overthrown someday. A lot of Saudi's don't really like them and there's a lot of hatred between the different tribes.

    He had worked for an Arab there that he didn't find out until years later, that this Arab was extremely opposed to the Saudi govt.

    This old ex Marine did a lot of flying and mapping of Saudi during the 60's and 70's.

    Tons of intrigue in the Middle East. Of course we have our expert, Swimpo. He was undercover there for years.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Senko11 View Post
    Hate to be nosy but could either one of you forward me that link also, Swamp or MI.

    I am chuggin through your PBS link MI, actually finding it to be very interesting as well as enlightening.

    What makes me question everything in general is Bin Laden. We have been aware of the man as a threat to our society since the Clinton administration, yet we are now 3 terms of presidents deep into this conflict with him and we are not capable of finding him? Something more is going on that ALL of them do not want the public to know. I am never one to be big on government conspiracies but something is not right.
    I'm surprised to read your question about bin laden. Apparently his family and the Bush family go way back doing lots of business together. No shortage of sites detailing it. Get all Googley!

    While you're at it do a search for Dubya's grand daddy Prescott. Apparently he was very close to being charged with treason for his dealings with the Nazis. YAY!

  3. #23


    Type in Carlisle...while doing the bin laden connection thing

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


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    Bin Laden is in pakistan and is well protected. Packistan is recieving billions each month so we can provide logistics to our 100 thousand troops. the intelligence Agency in Packistan has close ties with the taliban and al quada. Believe me they hope the gravy train never ends. Packistan has skin in the game. the minute the US finally pulls stakes and leaves Packistan will quickly fill the power void. With Their enemy India on the border they need to controll Afganistan. The whole situation is a joke the entire world knows whats going on and pretending its not true. C'mon 100,000 troops for an estimated 150 terrorists the real terror threat is in Yeman anyway, and of cource Yeman has been taking notes and is all for cooperating with the US as long as financial arrangements can be arranged. I'm sure they'll round up some useless thugs they call al quada and hand them over once in awhile to keep up the scam. Suprisingly enough Saudi Arabia seams to be the most helpfull of the bunch lately!

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