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  1. #1

    Default removal on a temp.service

    Featured Sponsor

    While setting meters are you guys allowed to remove a temporary service once the house is cut in?Here it used to be a headlinemans decision,if the home had outlets and all.You could do 2 orders since you were already there.With de-reg you are not allowed to do that anymore even if the builder says its ok to remove the temp.You must have a order to remove it.....Saying that,there is one way if you can be creative.I wont get into how,unless sombody guesses it.....but the real question is are you allowed to pull the temp.with-out an order?

  2. Default

    Where I work we have code enforcement if that's what you would like to call it. but they make a work order to hook up the house We hook it up and if the guy doing the electric is ready we take the temp meter out and put it in the house and unhook the temp pole. If he isn't we put a blank in the meter can on the house and they call when they are ready to switch it out. But most of the time they are ready when we get the order to hook up the house.

  3. #3


    Featured Sponsorr

    So it sounds like you use the same meter when you take the temp out....lots of things have changed here....meter they almost are smart meters for the homes...and Id guess regular meters on the temps....for awhile they had the ones you could read without going into the yards if the meter was inside of a fence....some guys might think Im making this up but they had close to a thousand types of meters,when you look at everything ....types ,manufactor,class,phase,ect

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