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  1. #121
    texas1 Guest

    Cool check it out

    Featured Sponsor

    thanks linehand for the reply,as for 500 kva listen close,dont be scared,and buy the way thanks for the info on the gloves,but there is a problem,we dont wear 20,000 volt rated gloves here.there 30,000 volt rated so i"ll stop there,just wanted to show that you shouldnt let ur alligator mouth overload your tweety bird ass........................................p.s. thanks again linehand for having an open mind.and yes we are all glad we joined ya"ll we over here just need to learn that there is no longer any dividing lines and that goes for me for 500kva i dont think your knowledge goes with your kva rating you might want to lower it a bit lets say 120/240 single phase............................................. ....

  2. #122
    texas1 Guest

    Default info

    just so you know,i too work for the biggest utility in texas,my contracting days were over 12 yrs ago,and yes i am in a union and they even allow us to glove off the pole,surprise, surprise....

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

    Default In Texas they

    have alway pushed the envelope when it comes to hot work. I think there is a fringe area mostly on the Gulf coast and then up the east side of Texas that have not been so adamant in these nefarious practices. I suspect mostly because they're union.

    All of the non-union entities in Texas are big on gloving the biggest voltage they can get by with and working primary alone in a bucket. The given rule used to be not to work primary alone and most companies required at a minimum of 2 men in the bucket and one on the ground watching. I always refused to work alone if I could get out of it but these crummy companies are so bent on cutting crews to the minimum it makes it difficult.

    They were touting these "2 man" crews once and I asked the safety guy if a crew of 2 men were working and the guy in the bucket got into trouble did the observer render assistance first or call on the radio first. He hesitated for a little while and said you should call on the radio first. What a joke. Like you're gonna run to the cab and call on the radio while your buddy is getting scorched.

    When they get rubbers that are rated for it I expect they will glove all transmission voltages in Texas from steel structures.

  4. #124


    The 2 man in power space thing again. At the utility I work at we often double up on poles using two single bucket material handlers. Just as often we work primary voltage by ourselves. We always have a qualified man on the ground watching out for us. We safely do this everyday, and our crew is a projects crew. I know that a lot of utilities double up, but it is a company rule, not a necessity. As for 12KV off the pole that is too hot for my taste. We do, however, occasionally work 4kv off the pole and 12 off a baker board. Whatever you do do it safely.

  5. Default

    LOL How bout 5 KVA Texas...Ive learned throughout the years that guys like that arent all that they are cracked up to be...

  6. #126


    Off of a board, never off the pole. Kap

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

    Default Ah Swamprat thou

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamprat View Post
    Do you have at least 1... truly Rational, logical braincell in your head?
    Or do you just spout shit like this off the top of your 1 braincell head?

    For WHAT reason? To promote your union mentality? Good Job.....
    How's that workin for ya?
    great rat lineman of scatilogical wisdom. You have so many gems of wisdom to pass along to we other lesser hands. You poor dip shit.

    The reference to gloving transmission stuff off steel structures is actually not to far off the mark. I actually knew some hands once who gloved some 69 from a bucket. That's pushing it I think. They were actually IBEW and worked for an REC.

    As far as gloving from the pole, the only way you are not exposing yourself to the phase to phase voltage is when there is only one phase available. When you touch one phase while standing on the pole you are sometimes exposing yourself to phase to phase potential if more than one phase is present.

    Duh? How you might ask? Well I guess I'll have to explain it to you. If an insulator is broken down or some other inadvertant mishap causes the pole to become energized somewhat then poor old Swampy would in essence be exposed to phase to phase potential. Duh I did a blow up test of my rubbers. That's a real definitive test isn't it? I know a guy who was severely burned gloving 7620/13.2 from the pole once. How? The electricity stuff was suspected of jumping through a hole in his glove and messing him up severely. (Thought I'd break it down for you. I know you're not a "technical" fellow.)

    I also knew of a lineman working for a utility where I once worked who was burned severely by touching a DE bolt with only his leather gloves. Seems an insulator was broken down. Now if he had his rubbers on and touched another phase do you think he would have been exposed to phase to phase voltage. Duh, I don't know, I'm not a real technical fellow.

    Stick to golf and fishing. You're probably safer that way. Goll lee. Look at them thar transmission lineman. Ain't they something?

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    usa/ Oklahoma

    Default Get a life?

    This from a guy who has about 9 gillion post on this sill ass board. If the dog hadn't............, boy that's a new one. Don't know where you come up with those jewels. What an original. You ain't a fart in..............Another gem. What a steel trap mind you have. Well I don't think of you as a fart in a whirl wind. You just smell like one. You go way back. Wow! You shore didn't learn a hell-of-a-lot way back did you? Well Mr. Technical I've been around a little while. Enough to spot a dumb ass like you. Like Bellamy. Dance Rat Dance!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay with that single phase you'll be okay.

  9. #129

    Default Yep!

    It's me that is the dumbass. Let's remind you of something. Gloving anything over 2400/4160Y from the pole is illegal in most states. Legislation fought for and won by the local unions in those states.

    Most Utility companies agree as well. So there is quite the consensus that it is a BAD thing to glove 7200/12470Y from the pole. It isn't the few dumbasses on this board who happen to think you are retarded, it is the majority of the industry as well as the government who know you are retarded.

    Hell you freaks don't even know your voltages. That is the first sign!

    There is a reason we try to let you know that it is wrong. Not for your dumbass selves. Hell if your that dumb then the natural selection of nature will eventually rid us of you. Some slip through untouched like that douschebag in Florida.

    The reason is, we don't want innocent apprentices learning the wrong stuff from you daredevils. Lord knows what other dumb ass crap your teaching them? Some day we'll be reading about them.

    You can get away with being stupid a long time. It just takes once to cure stupid, and you are searching for that cure aggressively aren't you? Well I hope you find what your looking for. Why? Because we tried to let you know and you slapped our helping hands away. So F-U!

    Cute the way you do all that changing my name around. It's so original. About 3 years ago. You keep doing it though. You need something to keep your mind busy.

  10. #130


    Featured Sponsorr

    Hell boys this has sorta turned into a pissing contest. Llinemen will glove it or they won't. They may get by with it or they may not. Some will continue to do it and some may have a change of heart. Just do what it takes to go home in one piece at night.

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