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    Wink some trouble I have known

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    There was this strange woman at an apartment complex who kept showing me "exposed cable" which in every case was a catv pedestal. Then she told me they (apartment mgmt) were out to get her, but since she could "astral project" , she was on to them. You gotta be careful and treat these unstables with all seriousness and respect, no matter how freaky they are. If you ridicule them or scoff, you will incur their wrath.

    I have to respond, with all due haste, to any "wire down" call. These include:

    Catv or bell on the ground behind the custumer's home.

    Wire down call by any police or fire agency involving an accident, ususually a DOT streetlight pole.

    Wire down call where it clearly shows, and is proven to be an underground area, and is usually a poorly buried catv cbl.

    Any Latin custumer who sees any wire on the pole hanging low, it must be translated as a "wire down"

    I once rushed to a scene described as a "pole down" by an astute cop, who triumphantly pointed to a firmly attached pole or push guy.

    The rocket scientist custumer who call us in regard to the huge Bell pedistal clearly marked all over as belonging to AT&T as being open and making noise.

    The "wire down , person trapped in car" call, that upon my timely arrival turned out to be an angry black woman on her front porch gesturing at the deadly catv lying across her car hood, which contained no trapped anything.

    She was advised that it was catv, but still demanded that I remove it from her car. I was glad to tell her to call her Cable co, and await instructions...

    My favorite is the asshole who messes up on the 800 number, while trying to ask about their bill, and wind up generating a trouble call, only to deny that they called! Shit, dummy, I have your name , adress, phone number, and time of call on my screen, but you did'nt call, huh? Grow a set, admit you messed up, but dont lie to me!!

    I realise the average Joe has no idea about electricity, and are well advised to call us. But experience has tought me that a dude in a hi rise with a gang meter can calling 18 times is dumb and will wait while I catch real calls.

    I guess you gotta have a sense of humor, and have found it works best for me to hide my contempt for idiots.

    Lets talk about traffic!
    Last edited by LINETRASH; 03-29-2007 at 12:40 AM.

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