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  1. #51
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    My bad for pulling the hooks on your enthusiasm. There is a glimmer of hope. Every government agency (Including the FBI) has "worker bees" that do their jobs, despite the best efforts of Disposable Douchebags ex; (Supervisors, Managers, Alderman, Business Agents, Councilman, Mayors, Governors, Democrat/Republican Committeeman, Representatives, Senators, All levels, etc.) that try to stop you, for there own political gain. I know this, because I work for government as "civil service". I have seen and experienced it here in St. Louis City. The evidence is there, just a matter of exposure. We all know Bill/Hill Clinton have a vast "Pay to Play" scheme, on a world wide scale. Trump is the only one, in the 1% club who has exposed it Just have to wait until Tuesday (Nov. 8th), to see if enough people get Quote; battles are won and lost every day, the war never ends
    "Liberalism is a mental disorder" quote Michael Savage
    "When you deny a man his livelihood, it becomes personal" quote Chris Hanson

  2. Default

    No worries my man, I will keep the faith until in the american people vote on the 8th. Then...I'll be flying my flag upside down, cause America will Definately be in Distress.

    I see articles about all the illegals that are voting, and even this bastard, so called president has has encouraged them TO vote!! He's another one that should be in prison for TREASON!!!

    But, I'm keepin the Faith there are enough real Americans left to keep this Ambassador killing Bitch out of the white house. We'll just have to see bro. We'll just have to see. If they don't...America as we know gone.

    Seriously. If Americans vote her as president, with her health issues, Lies, 30 years of corruption, her husband being a rapest, her a lesbian.. connections to the Saudis and all the middle east money in her Clintion Fountation...

    Then the fight is over man. 4 more years of the half breeds politics, appointments to the supreme court,...There is no more America, and there will never be another republican president. I SAID Republican, NOT Rino Romney, or Ryan "republican".

    "All good things must come to an end".
    Last edited by Old Line Dog; 11-07-2016 at 05:51 PM.
    “He who dares not offend, cannot be honest”
    ~ Thomas Paine ~

  3. #53
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    Swamp, you and I have argued politics for many years, this election cycle you and I happen to be on the same side. My point is that if I, a life long Democrat, can in no way shape or form vote for Billary, how many more Dems like me are out there? I believe there are many like me. But even if guys like me can't carry Trump for office, we still have to keep the house and Senate rep. That's imperative, if she gets Capitol Hill with majority, it's gonna be rough for a few years.

    But I'm a glass half full kinda guy, even though I think Trump is a jackass......

    "It is not the critic who counts:The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena" Teddy Roosevelt

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Orgnizdlbr View Post
    Swamp, you and I have argued politics for many years, this election cycle you and I happen to be on the same side. My point is that if I, a life long Democrat, can in no way shape or form vote for Billary, how many more Dems like me are out there? I believe there are many like me. But even if guys like me can't carry Trump for office, we still have to keep the house and Senate rep. That's imperative, if she gets Capitol Hill with majority, it's gonna be rough for a few years.

    But I'm a glass half full kinda guy, even though I think Trump is a jackass......

    Yup. We been "talkin" a long time my man, and I have really enjoyed the many years of banter Labor.
    And hope to have many more with ya.

    Yea, Donald is an arrogant son of a bitch, an "America First" type guy...which is considered, "Arrogant" nowdays.

    For me my friend...this is it. If that corrupt bitch wins...I will never vote again. There will be no point. THIS election is ABOUT...The American presidential election...and the Joke it has become. I'm glad you are voting for "AMERICA" sir.
    “He who dares not offend, cannot be honest”
    ~ Thomas Paine ~

  5. #55

    Default queen hillary

    i am so looking forward to 8 years of clinton,it is going to be so gratifiyng to me when liberal nutjob democracts lose the right to bear arms and have their guns taken away.cant wait for the democrats who might be hunters sitting in the dark wondering what happened.also looking forward to the day democrats start losing jobs to illegals and non english speakers.wont it be great when a democrats kid cant get into college because hillary mandates a quota of saudi refugees is going to be great because there will be no republicans to blame, unless,of course,they go back to bush.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by loner View Post
    i am so looking forward to 8 years of clinton,it is going to be so gratifiyng to me when liberal nutjob democracts lose the right to bear arms and have their guns taken away.cant wait for the democrats who might be hunters sitting in the dark wondering what happened.also looking forward to the day democrats start losing jobs to illegals and non english speakers.wont it be great when a democrats kid cant get into college because hillary mandates a quota of saudi refugees is going to be great because there will be no republicanism s to blame, unless,of course,they go back to bush.
    She couldn't do it, just like Trump couldn't add an amendment to change term limits.

    But let’s say we decided to do away with the 2nd Amendment. Here’s what would need to happen:The U.S. House of Representatives would need to come together with the Senate and draft an Amendment to the Constitution. They would then need to approve it with a two-thirds supermajority. Simply drafting and approving a proposed Amendment to the Constitution is difficult, as it requires the vast majority of Congress (including the lobbyists who own them) to be on board with it. She couldn't do it, just like Trump couldn't pass an amendment for term limits Once approved by both houses of Congress, the proposal is then sent to the states for ratification. This requires three-fourths of state legislatures to vote in approval of it, meaning it’s not just Congress who has to be in overwhelming agreement– the governments of the 50 states have to be in near-universal agreement with the proposed change as well.This is precisely why there have been so few changes to the Constitution in our history– it is extremely hard to do, and it requires the vast majority of the country to be in agreement about the change.It cannot be done by one person. It cannot even be done by one branch of government. That’s not how our system works.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by loner View Post
    i am so looking forward to 8 years of clinton,it is going to be so gratifiyng to me when liberal nutjob democracts lose the right to bear arms and have their guns taken away.cant wait for the democrats who might be hunters sitting in the dark wondering what happened.also looking forward to the day democrats start losing jobs to illegals and non english speakers.wont it be great when a democrats kid cant get into college because hillary mandates a quota of saudi refugees is going to be great because there will be no republicans to blame, unless,of course,they go back to bush.
    THATS friggin Hysterical!!!!!!

    Only problem is loner...the bitch won't live thru her first term. She's walkin dead right now!!

    Chech out this vid RIGHT NOW on Drudge! The bitch can hardly WALK!!!
    “He who dares not offend, cannot be honest”
    ~ Thomas Paine ~

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by loner View Post
    i am so looking forward to 8 years of clinton,it is going to be so gratifiyng to me when liberal nutjob democracts lose the right to bear arms and have their guns taken away.cant wait for the democrats who might be hunters sitting in the dark wondering what happened.also looking forward to the day democrats start losing jobs to illegals and non english speakers.wont it be great when a democrats kid cant get into college because hillary mandates a quota of saudi refugees is going to be great because there will be no republicans to blame, unless,of course,they go back to bush.

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    "It is not the critic who counts:The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena" Teddy Roosevelt

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Florida in the winter Canada in the summer.


    Won't be long now boys. Get your trucks gassed up and your guns loaded.

  10. #60

    Default 2nd amendment

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    well lewy you forget one thing,executive order.remember all the things obama did by the stroke of the red last thing,the fbi no longer exists in america,it was destroyed by the clintons. i wonder what flag will fly over the white house,mexican,chinese,isis,saudi ,or wait wait,THE RAINBOW!!!!

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