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  1. #1

    Default Being a short lineman

    Featured Sponsor

    I'm just wondering if people think someone being short and small would limit them in the job. I am a shorter small statured guy but really want to be a lineman.

    Also do you have to be mechanically inclined?

  2. Default

    I'll start out by saying that I'm not yet a lineman, so I can't speak from on the job experience. But I have trained fairly extensively at climbing/hanging arms, and I can say that height definitely is a factor. It shouldn't keep you from being able to get a job, you just may need to do certain things differently. I'm about 5' 8 or 5' 9, and I trained with someone who's probably 6' 4ish, and just from the training we did he definitely had an easier time with certain things, but there wasn't anything that he could do that I couldn't.

  3. #3


    Brad Lillie never made it so you can too?

  4. Default

    If someone told you "yes", would you change your mind about being a lineman? . . . . . . If you
    want to do it, you will. I'm 5'9", b/w 172 & 178 lbs and I've worked coast to coast on Hi Line and
    Distribution as a valued hand on every crew. Just a little "try", goes a long way.

  5. Default

    I'm 6'3 and it sure makes things easier up the pole. However I know guys who are probably around 5'6 and 140 pounds and they get it done. Also i have seen guys bigger and better shape than me quit. Mind over matter. If you wanna be a lineman, why not just try it out? Also yes being mechanically inclined definitely helps.
    Btw this is my first post. So, hello forum!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sacramento, Ca


    Im 5'7" 160 lbs. I can make it up amd down the pole no problem. As for work once you're up there, just gotta be confident in your skills and TOOLS. Even if you're backwards on the pole reaching out to hang something, you just gotta trust your hooks and know that you planted a good hook into that heart wood and youll be fine. Sure being taller makes it easier, but ive seen some guys that are 6' and up still have a hard time.. like it was said, mind over matter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Featured Sponsorr

    The answers you got above are proof it's how big your heart is not your physical size. You will need mechanical ability in any case. Good luck.

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